Saturday, July 26, 2008

I posted earlier about not getting all of my protein in, and Dawn had a good question. She wondered how I was not getting it in when 2 protein shakes should easily meet my requirement for the day. Here's the answer - and when I go to see the dr. for my 1 month follow-up on Tuesday I'm going to double-check on this - my surgeon wants me to eat 3 meals a day and nothing else. He will (grudgingly :) ) allow one small snack mid-afternoon if I have a long time between lunch and dinner. He counts a protein shake as a meal, not as part of the liquids that I do during the day. So I've been trying to eat actual food rather than protein shakes - mostly because I like it better :), but also because long term that's what I need to be doing and what my doctor prefers. So I'm not doing many protein shakes at this point. I have been doing one for breakfast a lot of days, and that's helping. The past few days I have gotten to my protein and water goals, which is good. I worry some that Dr. E. only asks me to get in 40 g of protein, while Pam (the nutritionist) said 60, so I try and go higher than 40 when I can. I have to keep reminding myself that he's the doctor and I'm not.... a little bit of knowledge can be a bad thing :)

I'm still feeling kind of generally run-down and nauseous. Not in a hugely major way, more in an annoyance kind of way. I'm exhausted, but having a lot of trouble sleeping. Last night (now, don't fuss at me. I know I shouldn't do this and am NOT going to do it again - it was a one time thing) I was so tired that I took some of my pain medicine just to help me sleep. It was awesome. I conked out quickly and was dead to the world for 9 hours. I really needed that! I also have nausea medication that Dr. E prescribed for me when I left the hospital, but I haven't taken any of that yet. I think that makes you sleepy, too, and I just haven't felt like I feel bad enough to take it. I'm going to talk to him about all of this on Tuesday,when I go to see him. I have been trying to notice if I feel worse after I eat certain things, and I haven't noticed anything. Just a general feeling worse in the morning.

I'm also in the "Dear-God-what-have-I-done-this-is-insane" stage where I'm totally freaked out and a little regretting that I had the surgery. However, from what I understand almost everyone experiences this at about this point, so I'm confident that it will pass. Probably when I start noticing significant weight loss. I'm still at the point where I can hardly tell. I'm wearing all the same clothes, although they're a little big. But I still feel like 50 pounds down they should be bigger than they are. Patience, Sarah, patience!

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